A brief interruption

14 October 2016. At time of writing, that’s nearly seven years ago. That’s the publish date of the last public post I wrote on here; a random thing on how hard it is to have one of the morning routines that successful people rave about (funny how so many of these successful people also have parents who own companies…). Going from someone who used to blog several times a week to not writing a post for such a long time is crazy, though I did spend a few years writing semi-anonymously. But even that fell away, leaving me with lots of thoughts and no outlet. It’s a surprise that I’ve remained sane.

To imagine those seven years have included nothing worth writing about wouldn’t really be a reflection of the truth. I shan’t go into detail, but in that time I’ve moved job three times, got divorced, become a single dad of my four kids, met some amazing people, fallen in love, traveled around the world, been to Everest, fallen in love again, cleared off a lifetime of persistent debt, bought a house for the first time, and so much more. It’s been a period of growth like no other I’ve ever experienced, and I could fill several books with thoughts from it all.

I won’t, however, as that would bore most people to tears. And it would also be giving away content which will hurt book sales of my eventual best-selling autobiography, entitled “It seemed like a good idea at the time”.

I will, however, dust this blog off and set myself a challenge. Life is changing professionally for me in a way I wasn’t prepared for, and I’ve being given the opportunity to see it through inexperienced eyes for the first time. You only get the chance to do that once before you see it all through the lens of experience, so I’ll share what I can for my own use if nothing else.

I’ve not been told I can’t say anything yet, but I’ll wait until everything is official before I go any further. Suffice it to say, I’ll be very interested in talking to as many people as possible to explore what the future may or may not bring.


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